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Puzzles in films
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On this page we present scenes from documentaries, movies and series in which puzzles were put together or puzzles can be seen.
[hide]Modern Times (1936)
In the film Modern Times from the year 1936 by director Charles Chaplin you can see in the trailer beginning from minute 2:12 the director of the factory while putting together a framed wooden puzzle. The puzzle stands as a symbol for the unproductivity of the director in contrast to his hard-working chords.
Trailer Modern Times on Youtube
Magical Girl (2014)
In the film Magical Girl from the year 2014 by director Carlos Vermut you can see in the trailer at minute 1:09 how puzzle pieces are disassembled. The puzzle is, with a great likelihood, the 3.000 pieces Das Bombardement von Algier by Ravensburger.
Trailer Magical Girl on Youtube
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
In the film 10 Cloverfield Lane from the year 2016 by director Dan Trachtenberg you can see three different people at the beginning of the trailer putting together a puzzle. It is the puzzle Cat Fish of White Mountain Puzzles with 550 pieces.
Trailer 10 Cloverfield Lane on Youtube
Workaholics, Season 5, Episode 2
In this episode ("Wrestling in the Garden"/"Front Yard Wrestling") of Workaholics, Blake and Adam place a 200-pieces fantasy puzzle (woman with a dragon in the style of Anne Stokes) at the beginning of the series, but a box with 500 pieces is placed on the table.
Citizen Kane (1941)
In the movie Citizen Kane there is a scene with Dorothy Comingore as Susan Kane playing with a jigsaw puzzle with quite an amount of pieces